Opening hours


0900 912 912 (CHF 1.50/call + CHF 1.50/minute) The hotline is only in service during the cinema opening hours.



Arena Cinemas – cinema across 18 screens

The magic of the silver screen is enduring, and there's nowhere you can see it celebrated quite like the 18 screens of Sihlcity's Arena Cinema.

Extra-large screens, wide upholstered seats and a perfect view from every space in the house – this is the perfect cinematic experience, made all the more so thanks to state-of-the-art technology. Lose yourself in immersive 4DX, enjoy panoramic viewing with ScreenX or marvel at the curved MEGA screen – Arena Cinemas invite you to immerse yourself in a world of storytelling.

In addition, box seating, dedicated wheelchair viewing and a stylish bar and lounge elevate the experience for all cinema-goers.

Visit Arena Cinemas in the heart of Sihlcity and be transported away by the magic of cinema.