Opening hours

Sihl Delta is always open as communicated via social media, visits are also welcome on request.

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Founded in 2021, the Sihl Delta artist residency offers artists a quiet space in the vibrant surroundings of the Sihlcity retail hub – an unusual but very inspiring working environment!

Sihl Delta is located on the first floor of a brick building dating back to 1886, and comprises two spaces. The first room, with its tall, steel-frame window, evokes the building’s industrial past. Once upon a time workers hand-worked paper here; today, the studio room doubles as an exhibition space. The second room is more cloistered, attesting to its former use: between 2007 and 2019, the rooms functioned as a non-denominational church, and the wall-to-wall cabinets once furnishing those clerical rooms now account for the meditative (and faintly bureaucratic) atmosphere in evidence.

Today, Sihl Delta provides space and time for artists working in different media to develop their artistic practice. Its exhibitions and events also aim to bring contemporary art to Sihlcity – serving as a retreat for visitors to Sihlcity’s retail space, offering unexpected discoveries in a world designed for consumption and pleasure.

Sihl Delta opening hours are available via social media. Visits also welcome on request.